IFTip Bot on Telegram

This guide will take you to use the rewarding bot on the Telegram platform, using the bot like chatting with friends, to help you manage the community, distribute tokens, and activate the atmosphere.


Have no idea about IFTip bot? Get a brief introduction of it by sending "start" on Telegram.

For example:


Orders Guidance

After you know what is IFTip bot, now let's get more functions about it by sending the order “help”.

For example:


Find all the orders about tip funtions

Acquire Deposit Address

Send the order 'deposit' in your conversation with IFTip Bot, and it will send you the deposit address.


‌Please send the 'deposit' order to IFTip bot privately if you do not want your address unveiled.

  1. If the token name is not entered, IFTip Bot will issue the help of the instruction.

For example:


IFTip bot will send you the deposit address of IFT

/deposit IFT

Check Balance

Send the order 'balance' in your conversation with IFTip Bot, and it will send you your available balance.


Please send the 'balance' order to IFTip bot privately if you do not want your available balance unveiled.

For example: balance

Know your coins' available balance

For example: /balance IF

Know your IFT available balance

Tip Group Members

Find any friends you like in the group? Reward them by replying the order 'tip' on their message!


You can type the exact number of coins that you would like to tip, but notice the default tip is 1 Coin.

For example:

Reply to the friends you want to reward. Enter:tip amount CoinA E.g:

tip IFT

You can also use the symbol "+" instead. Enter:+amount CoinA E.g:

+1 IFT


How to withdraw the red pockets to your own wallet? Please just Send IFTip bot the order "withdraw to_address amount coin" privately, then the red pockets will be shown in your wallet address.

withdraw amount coin to_address


withdraw 10 IFT to_address

Query Price

Query token price is a very useful when talking about crypto currencies. You can do this inside Telegram group, without any effort.

For Example:


above command will query BTC's price. Bot will return like this:


Last updated